Do You Know? How to Care Brazil Turtle

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Brazil turtle is one of the turtles that were popular stand. Turtle Brazil is also known as the red-ear slider turtle Trachemys scripta elegans and Latin in this sheet and maintenance will be discussed in general maintenance for the species. Search / research is critical to developing the best treatment for the species to be maintained.

Interior Care

Form of accommodation in the room the aquarium is more useful. Puppies for turtles, water depths between 7.5 cm to 15 cm recommended by dry rock walls to relax. The aquarium size, is suitable for puppies 60 cm or 75 cm x 30 cm. If the turtles are to be grown up together, their habitat must be replaced even greater. Brazil turtles are good swimmers so water depth is not an important factor when they are ripe. Depth of 20 cm to 60 cm is sufficient for turtles between 10 cm and adult turtles.


The water quality is very important for turtles. Many problems that can occur in water turtles can be avoided if the guards a little time and money designing and purchasing a filtration system to use for the turtle. For adult turtles, we recommend using a filter tube (cartridge), because it is easy to clean and provide good quality water filter. Newborns can be a bit difficult, because the water is shallow. This allows the filter or powerhead sponge used for shallow water. Change the water often becomes a necessity or obligation.

Lamp Image

Reflector lamps should be used as a drying system (pilgrims). This reflector should be able to provide a basking area 32 degrees Celsius in the housing industry. Habitat should also provide full-spectrum UV light to be fitted. UVB source is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D3, which is responsible for calcium metabolism. Mercury vapor lamp can also be used to meet the need of heat and UV rays. Water the plants or plastic plants are encouraged to give a sense of security and hidden areas.

Outside Maintenance (Outdoor)

Anti-predator habitat offers many advantages over apartments and should be considered as an option in the hot weather be taken into consideration.

The pool can be made more comfortable in a safe environment to the living space outside the apartment. Larger pool could use a filter to provide a spectacular venue for your turtle stays.


Be careful not to feed. For adult turtles is recommended only feeding 2 to 3 times per week and every day or every other day for puppies turtles, which grow quickly. Cursor consumed vegetables, greens like mustard greens, turnip greens, dandelion, spinach, carrots, zucchini and water plants such as duckweed, water lettuce, water, etc. Hyacinth. They also eat insects, worms and fish. Many commercial turtle food market has an excellent food for the turtle cursor.


Additional calcium is very important. Powdered calcium can be sprinkled on food. Maintenance is recommended to use calcium with vitamin D3 if the animal indoors and calcium without D3 observed when outside the house (outside) on hold. Delivery of cuttlefish bone (cuttle bone) is also recommended to be eaten.
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