The heart is a muscular pump in the chest, which operates continuously, without stopping to blood through the body in the morning and evening pump from birth to death.Heart to contract and relax as much as 100,000 times a day, and all this work requires a good blood supply to the coronary vessels provided.
How the heart works
The basic functions of the heart is pumping red blood rich in oxygen and nutrients through the large vessels throughout the body. When the oxygen has been absorbed by the tissue, veins carry the blood back to the blue and contains very little oxygen to the heart.
The heart has two sides, each side works like a separate pump. Each page is further divided into two rooms, so that in total there are 4 rooms. Two of the above, the atria, serves as a place to number two under, ventrical, contract to pump blood. The right side of the heart receives blood from the body through a vein and pumped into the lungs to get oxygen. The left side of the heart that holds back the blood from the lungs and pumps in the body tissue that requires oxygen.
To all the muscles and organs can be reached differently, the blood must be pumped at high pressure, as you know, when you have truncated vessels - the blood squirt everywhere! In order to do this then our heart is very strong, and in contrast to our leg muscles, the heart will never be tired. Therefore, the heart muscle requires a very good circulation, and is provided through the coronary arteries and their branches are available.
Coronary artery from the aorta - the major blood vessels of the heart - which had just left the pumping chamber of the heart, the left ventricle, they are the first vessels to receive oxygen-rich blood. Both coronary arteries are the left and the right is a relatively small ships, each having a diameter of only 3 to 4 millimeters. They walked the surface of the heart, seeing each other behind and nearly a circle. If the model of the ship was first seen of old, they think it looks like a crown (crown), so that they use the Latin names, which we today, the coronary vessels (coronary arteries).
Because the artery is so important, doctors are used to (do well) with the artery and its branches and its variations that can occur from person to person. The left coronary artery has two main branches called the anterior descending and circumflex, each of their subsidiaries. They supply almost all of which the left ventricle is more muscular than the two heart chambers, because they need to pump blood through the body. Right coronary arteries are usually smaller and supply to the heart and the bottom of the right ventricle, the room, which pumps blood to the lungs.
Coronary artery has the same structure as the other arteries, but differs in one respect - only blood can flow through these vessels into the heart muscle between beats when the heart stops (relaxed). If the heart muscle to contract, the pressure was so heavy that the blood entering the heart muscle. This means that the heart of an efficient network of fine blood vessels in the heart muscle to the blood where it needs to get used.
In coronary heart disease (CHD), coronary arteries become narrow, and deprived of the heart muscle with blood and oxygen it needs. In the resting state can not be a problem, but when the heart tries to work harder than normal - for example, if you go up the stairs - may not survive the coronary arteries in oxygen demand, and you will get a pain in the chest. If you take a break, will disappear in the menstrual pain. If a coronary artery is completely closed (block) by a blood clot, then the area of the heart muscle will die of it delivered.
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